Frequently Asked Questions About Campervans & Hawai'i

COVID-19 (Hawaii pre-travel requirements ended on 3/26/2022)

  • Are you still renting your campervans during the COVID-19 pandemic?

    Yes, we are!  The State of Hawaii is open for tourism and we are excited to welcome guests back to the islands!

General FAQ

  • What are the fees?

Before Your Trip

  • What supplies come with the campervan?

    The listed nightly price is for the campervan rental and does not include bedding, towels, kitchen or camp supplies. There is an additional fee of $9/person/night (which is requred for each person, including children and infants) and covers the rental of bedding, beach/bath towels, camp chairs, dining dishes and utensils, cups, etc., as well as wear and tear on the vehicle.

    For a full list of supplies and equipment please visit the Van's Page of our website.

During Your Trip

  • What if we have a question while out on the road?

    First look up if there is a solution or how-to in the Renter’s Guidebook provided in each campervan. If you have internet refer back to our instructional videos here on the website or our Help Articles in our Blog & Info section of the website. If you cannot find your answer and still need some help, follow the troubleshooting contact guide given to you at departure. The troubleshooting guide will outline calling/texting procedures so we can be efficient and get your question answered as quickly as possible. Be sure to call or text the number given to you for faster service. If your are trying to resolve an issue or get a questioned answered and it is after hours and your purchased 24/7 Roadside Assistance Plan, please call the Coach-Net Roadside Assistance number given to you at departure as well as emailed.

After Your Trip

  • Do we have to clean the campervan upon return?

    Yes. We ask that you clean the campervan in the same visual condition in which you received it on the inside. Our simple rule is if you brought any dirt into the campervan, remove it. If you spilled anything, pick it up. You must remove all trash, food, ice and personal belongs. Please use the supplied broom and cleaners to broom sweep all excess dirt and wipe down all sinks, counters and the refrigerator. Excess dust and dirt will require additional cleaning and extra cleaning fees may apply. Cleaning fees start at one hour rate of $95.